Our Members & Our Partners

Our Members 

Ruislip Gardens Primary School | Hillingdon Directory
Barnhill Community High School Meadow High School

Ruislip Gardens


Oak Farm School St. Bernadette Catholic Primary School

Hayes Park Primary School


Highfield Primary School Hillingdon Primary School

Ryefield Primary School


St. Andrews Primary School Yeading Junior School

Grange Park Infant School


Yeading Infant School Wood End Park

John Locke Academy


Grange Park Junior School (@GrangeParkJnrs) / X
Pinkwell Primary School

Colham Manor Primary School

Grange Park Junior School

Our Partners 

Barclays Girls Football Schools Partnership 

We are a Barclays Girls Football School Partnership, supporting the FA in their mission for girls to have equal access to football in the curriculum and also extra curricular by 2024. We ensure schools are able to access all of the amazing resources and CPD available with this programme. As a lead school, we support schools in achieving equal access through girls’ only intra and inter-school competitions and signposting local pathway opportunities for girls to develop and progress in football and sport.
Please join us in our vision to meeting the 2 targets by taking a look at the girls’ football in schools website, creating an account and taking the pledge. 
For more information on the Barclays Girls Football School Partnership please visit: https://girlsfootballinschools.org/login.php

Hillingdon Council 

We work with Hillingdon Council to support a number of initiatives that they run within schools including; Healthy Schools programme, Hillingdon Travel to Schools Programme (STARS), Student Leadership as well as working with them to support community clubs and events they run with schools.

Real PE

We are pleased to partner with real PE to support primary schools to deliver an outstanding PE curriculum. real PE has been created to:

  • develop teacher confidence and expertise.
  • increase pupil engagement.
  • increase pupil progress.

real PE is fully aligned to the National Curriculum and Ofsted, Curriculum for Wales and Estyn requirements. It focuses on the development of agility, balance, coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning through a unique, child-centred approach to teaching and learning in PE. For more information click here


Healthy Schools

We offer support & guidance for schools when they are applying for healthy schools status. Several of our schools are achieving varying levels with some currently having Gold status.

Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School - Healthy Schools

School Games

SHSSN is able to support the School Games programme though its infrastructure and as such provide opportunities for young people to take part in sport, no matter what the level or ability of the individual. SHSSN schools all achieve their School Games Mark Status with four currently achieving Platinum status (the highest award). We believe in the School Games Principles of:

  • Maintain & grow school’s engagement of the delivery of the Chief Medical Officers recommendation of 60 active minutes for every child or 20mins for SEND young people
  • Delivery and engagement in competitions that have a clear intent & creates positive experiences based for young people who need it most
  • Support for pupils who are transitioning from Key Stage 2 (KS) to KS3 or to KS1 to KS2  
  • Supporting the personal development of targeted young people through leadership/student voice
  • Advocating and engaging key stakeholders on the value of School Games



In partnership with Panathlon Challenge we run several events to provide more opportunities for SEND pupils in Hillingdon. The events vary from 10 pin bowling to station-based challenges that ALL children can access. We run events for both primary and secondary schools where their pupils get to take part, have fun and compete against others and represent their school.

London Sport

Children and Young People is a government study being run by Sport England and was developed with the Department for Education, the Department of Health and Social Care, and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. The study will provide Sport England, Government and other partners with a broad and deep understanding of participation in, and attitudes towards, sport and physical activity, shaping future policy and investment. Schools taking part will be able to learn more about their pupil’s engagement in sport and physical activity along with assessing their levels of wellbeing, self-efficacy and levels of social trust. Enabling them to further understand the needs and interests of their pupils.  We work with London Sport and Hillingdon Primary & Secondary schools to ensure that their pupils voices are heard as part of this survey.



We support this National Programme by working with Primary Schools to ensure that the least active pupils get opportunities to take part in physical activity within their own school but also by having opportunities outside of their school environment.

Association for PE (AfPE)

Through AfPE we are able to signpost schools to advice and webinars about all things PE, School Sport & Physical Activity. This includes advice on health & safety for PE, risk assessments for afterschool activities and trips


Royal Opera House

We are working in partnership with the Royal Opera House to provide our schools dance CPD via their Create and Dance programme. Schools can also access their online resources and a “Meet the Artists” session.

London Youth Games

We work closely with the London Youth Games (LYG) to provide access our skilled Hillingdon leaders to help run their regional and whole of London as well as providing Primary & Secondary schools pathways into their sporting events.