SPORTS DAY Important Update

Updated on Tuesday 12 July

Whilst we are used to adjusting arrangements due to the weather when rain is forecast, it is rare that arrangements are changed due to a heatwave! 

However, there are extremely high temperatures expected on Monday 18th July so we have taken the decision to bring our sports day plans forward to this Friday 15th July

Students should come to school in their Barnhill PE kit and will have activities timetabled for the morning. 

Students will be dismissed after the sporting events finish at lunchtime, as follows: 

Year 10 will finish at 13:10 

All other year groups will finish at 13:40 

If your child needs to remain in school until normal dismissal time, please complete the attached form here so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 

Students eligible for free school meals can collect at break time or pick up a packed lunch from the canteen on departure.