UKMT Senior Maths Challenge

Mr Jones, Headteacher & Dr Liadi, Assistant Curriculum Leader for Maths, pictured with our award winning mathematicians

The Senior Mathematical Challenge is a 90-minute, multiple-choice Challenge set by the charity United Kingdom’s Mathematical Trust whose aim is to advance the education of young people in mathematics.

The Challenge is designed to encourage mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. The problems on the Senior Mathematical Challenge are designed to make students think.

The competition is open to all pupils in secondary or further education college in years 13 or below.

Dr Liadi is extremely proud of our students who were recognised for their achievements as follows:

Gold Certificate

Pranav (87%)

Silver Certificate

Alesha (80%)

Basit (71%)

Tia (69%)

Pranav has gone through to the next round for a national competition.  We will hear the result in the New Year.